Cookie Policy
The cookie is a small text file that, although not collecting personal information that allows to identify the user, it stores on the user's access device, generic information that allows you to later use the websites more quickly and efficiently.
Cookies can be:
- Necessary - usually active only during the user's session, allowing to identify him, these are essential to the operation of the services made available on the websites;
- Performance – active during the user's session, or persistent, in order to improve the performance of the site, through analysis of how users use it;
- Functional - active during the user's session, or persistent, in order to allow the user a more efficient and individualized navigation;
- Advertising – active in a persistent way but for a limited period, in order to collect information from the user about internet browsing habits so that the advertising viewed by the user corresponds to his needs and interests.
All browsers allow the user to accept, refuse or delete cookies, including by selecting the appropriate settings in their browser, so the user can, at any time, partially or totally disable the cookies used on the Artbid website. For more information, see the instructions and manuals of the browser itself.
About cookies and their use refer to the following links:
Microsoft Cookies guide
All About Cookies
However, please be informed that by disabling cookies the Artbid website may not function properly.